Getting annoyed that every time you put up a fresh slap some random pedestrian comes along and decides to peel it off for his/her own claim? Here is a technique you can use to prevent people from possessing the sticker fully intact. While you are out put the sticker up then simply pull out a box cutter and proceed to slash the surface of the sticker in vertical and horizontal lines. now if done correctly there should be no damage to the sticker and no way anyone can get it off with their hands in one piece.
Prevent Your Stickers From Being Stolen
Getting annoyed that every time you put up a fresh slap some random pedestrian comes along and decides to peel it off for his/her own claim? Here is a technique you can use to prevent people from possessing the sticker fully intact. While you are out put the sticker up then simply pull out a box cutter and proceed to slash the surface of the sticker in vertical and horizontal lines. now if done correctly there should be no damage to the sticker and no way anyone can get it off with their hands in one piece.
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