Latest Street Art : Tools of Success


Let me start off by saying that there are tools needed to be downloaded in order to complete offers and surveys in record time. I am providing a recommended software list below for you access, not they are all basically easy and self explanatory. Note: these are not against the terms of server and are 100% optional. No hack programs, Virus or Malware! Get your copy straight from the developer today.

Reminder: These will help any general user who surfs the internet on a daily bases. Using a couple of these simple programs before, during and after, could be the difference between you getting the offer to credit or not.

- Ccleaner Freeware system optimization and privacy tool that erases Internet history and other unused files, and cleans up orphaned registry entries.

Mozilla Firefox, free web browser, is created by a global non-profit dedicated to putting individuals in control & shaping the future of the web for the public good.

- Roboform is the top-rated password manager and web form filler that completely automates password entering and form filling.

- Sandboxie, Sandbox security software for Windows. Install and run programs in a virtual sandbox environment without writing to the hard drive. 

To get all these programs on one spot read the full guide on the forums here: 

Make Another E-mail?

First of all you have to make yourself a spam address E-Mail, because you will get spam, a lot of it in fact.  I just go and make a yahoo account.  I would pick a signature email so you won’t forget them and use the same password. Don’t forget to add it to your Roboform program from above!

- Example:,,, etc.

The Offer Bible you should remember:

~ Always clear your cookies before you do a offer, Use the tool Ccleaner from above.
~ Always click “yes” to any check box before skipping.
~ Allow every page to load fully. (wait for the browser to stop loading/ refreshing)
~ Keep all the tabs open, sometimes waiting 10 minutes will actually help you get credited (Ctrl+Click links to open windows in a new tab)
~ Confirm email from the original advertiser whether if it was a requirement or not.
~ And if the offer doesn’t credit for you, it wont hurt to test it again later!

Download Offers

Now it’s the time for you to use sandboxie from above!  These download offers are usually pretty easy.  You just need to download and then install it onto your computer.  However  to get points you also have to register during install to fulfill the requirements. 

With sandboxie launched all you do is select "Run Web Browser", you know it's working when you hover around the edge and it's boarders turn yellow. Now navigate to a download offer and proceed to download it. It's best to leave browser open and not close it for how ever long it takes. Find the advertisers file on your computer and right click it, choose the sandboxie context menu "Run Sandoxed" again to the requirements from the description and wait to be credited.

, I hope you try earn around 20 points with this method. This is a learning process for new beginners and can seem ridicules, scamish and even fake, but there are currently over 2million member's. So believe and it will make earning free graffiti supplies that much stronger.

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