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How to do Offers on

Rewards1 Offers

Okay now you have to know how to do surveys. Well it’s actually pretty easy as Roboform will pretty much take care of everything for you. You just need to know a couple of simple steps that could be the difference between you getting the offer or not. So that’s what this Rewards1 Guide is for.

If you don’t have a Rewards1 account you should definitely get one now.
By doing surveys for a year or two now, I can tell that there are different types of surveys you can do and, each of them have their own strategies that I prefer to use to earn points to win free prizes for myself.

First of all you have to make yourself a spam address for Rewards1, because you will get spam, a lot of it in fact. I just go and make a yahoo account. I would pick a signature email so you won’t forget them and use the same password. It doesn’t matter if someone finds out, because they’re just spam mails anyway. For example:,,, etc. You get my point. Don’t forget to add it to your roboform!

A couple of key steps you should know are to:
  • Always clear your cookies before you do a offer (remember you’ll have to relog onto Rewards1)
  • Always say “yes” to any parts that aren’t skipped by Rewards1
  • Make sure every page loads fully
  • When presented with silver, gold offers do the requirements and then go to the bonus
  • Keep all the tabs open and try to keep the offer open for as long as possible, sometimes waiting 10 minutes will actually help you get credited (of course you can do other offers while you’re waiting)
  • Confirm their email they’ll send to you, whether if it was a requirement or not
  • And if the offer doesn’t credit for you, keep doing it until they reward you with points!

Quiz Jungle and Similar

Quiz Jungle and other quiz site basically have you filling out answers to see whatever you are. Then you go through several surveys, and then you finally get to see your results. Afterwards you’ll receive a email about Quiz Jungle, confirm it and you’re good.
This is an example of what quizzes look like. Just answer or randomly skip through all of the questions. You’ll be asked to enter your birth date, and whether you want to learn something, etc. Just say yes and move on.

After you finish answering the quiz you get this screen:
We’re going to use Roboform to fill this out. On the Roboform toolbar you’ll see the name of the account you already created. Just click it and everything will instantly fill out, if it doesn’t try again, and then check to see whether or not you forgot to fill in the information or not, if you, did just enter it in manually.

After you submit just have to monitor the surveys to be able to skip everything (remember companies are changing getting ad revenue and once they get credit you get credited), but when it can you’d be wish to leave some windows and pop ups open. If doesn’t work just look for the skip button and move on: If you have notice some of the survetys are repetitive and takes forever to get through!

And here’s the end of the quiz:
Now go to your yahoo email and go look for the confirmation. It usually would just say confirmation like this, notice how I was doing a Alice in Wonderland Quiz:
Now Confirm the mail and then you’d be shown another survey to do. You don’t have to do it. All you have to do is comment on whether you like it or not, it’s an option you get at the top. What you say doesn’t really matter at all. Then you wait for your points!

Gold/Platinum Page Offers

What these offers are basically asking you to fill out personal information and going through surveys into these silver/gold/platinum pages and complete a certain amount of offers for s/g/p to get your prize. Well we don’t have to really complete it; we just have to click on it.

You’ll start out with entering your email and completing your “survey”, it looks kind of like this:
So use roboform to move through this Rewards1 offer to win your free graffiti supplies!
At the end you’ll see the silver page, which will always be something similar to this:

What you have to do is to just click one offer, and move on, BUT DON’T CLOSE IT! You’ll move on to the gold page, and then the platinum page, just do the same thing. It’s okay if you click the same ads twice. Afterwards you refresh the page and then your pop blocker would block something. Unblock it and just click on a couple of the offers that the pop up shows you.

Note: When you click on one of the offers and it said that the “offer expired”, just stop and quit everything. This means that the offer is over, and you won’t get any points, even if you did complete it.

Next, move on to your yahoo email. You’ll most likely receive an email from the website you were doing the offer for. Since I did, I got a mail from them. Just click the confirmation and then you’ll be brought to another page telling you to register. Just give them a password, anything is fine, and then you’re done!

Survey Group, Auto Insurance, etc

These ones operate just like the rest, itself with a higher emphasis on your personal information. Fill out anything with roboform, and then just make up the rest of the information. Don’t worry it’s not hard. These sites try to get your to get a quota, join a membership, etc

The problem with these offers is that they might actually check to see if your address exists or not, and if it doesn’t well you either have to give them a real one, or just skip it. So generally I would avoid Auto Insurance sites, I do the survey group offers though! They usually give nice amount of points.

Download Offers

Now it’s the time for you to use sandboxie! These download offers are usually pretty easy. You just need to download and then install it onto your computer. However one warning, to get points you usually have to register somewhere. Where you do it depends on the program, but you usually have to, to get your points, and to get free graffiti supplies.

So hopefully you know how to use sandboxie, remember, run as web browser? Also note that my Firefox has ## around it? Well that means I’m in sandbox mode right now.

So now in sandboxed Firefox, go to the download offer and download away! What you download may vary from toolbars to games. But whatever it is, it usually will give you a lot of points! Note when you download sandboxie will ask you to recover it or not. Don’t recover it! That means you’ll put it into your real hard drive, and not your virtual one.

Note: to get to your download in sandboxed mode, you might have to go to your download browser, right click it, and then click Open Containing Folder.

These offers once again, all vary, but it’s very easy to do, and usually rewards you pretty easily too!


Congratulations, you have now learned how to use Rewards1 to earn MASSIVE amounts of points. These are the 4 basic types of offers you’ll see, of course there will always be variations, and you might see mixtures of all 4. But for whatever the reason you now know how to deal with each and every single one of them.

And guess what? Everything you learned in my Rewards1 Guide could be used for other offer-based sites, or even in MMORPG sites such as Nexon which allows you to do offer for free graffiti supplies.

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