Latest Street Art : Offers Pamphlet

Rewards1 Strategies

Okay so now you have the tools, now you’re on to the next step. No you’re not going to do the offers yet; we’re going to examine which offers are the best for us to do. Some people might have their own strategy, but I personally look through the offers first. You can do so too by going to Rewards1 (or signing up if you haven’t yet)

Now there are 3 strategies that I use to choose free offers. There are actually 3 types of offers you can do: Free US offers, Credit Card US offers, Cell Phone US offer.

Sorry, but if you’re not from USA, UK, Canada, or Australia, Rewards1 is useless to you since they won’t give you any prizes. However the information here could still be used. For example, if you play MMORPG games, you’ll notice that they now allow you to do surveys to earn points for in game items. Well everything you learned here can still help you earn points!

The Free Offers. You’ll spend most of your Rewards1 time picking out offers to do from this section:

You simply complete the offers and usually you’ll get rewarded.
There are 3 strategies you can do to gain points, all three of my Rewards1 strategies generally worked for me and anyone else I told it to.
The key to this strategy is to the addition of the sorting option for Rewards1. With this you can sort the offers by:
  • Points – The amount of points awarded
  • Credited Amounts – The number of times the offer have been completed by other Rewards1 users
  • Date – How recent was the offer
  • Name – The offers organized in alphabetical order
So in no particular order there are 3 strategies you can use to complete your offers for you to win free prizes.

Highest Credited Amount

The option to Credit and then set it to go from Greatest to Least. This way you’ll have a list of offers that have been completed the most to the offers that are completed the least.
This works, helps you win points for your free spray paint for example, by allowing you to do the same offers that tons of people have already done and have been credited to them. So if it works for others then it must work for you too!
This strategy is highly recommended for new people using Rewards1 as they have not done any offers yet.

Highest Rewarded Points

From this you can chose the option points and chosen from greatest to least. This gives you a list of offers that gives you the most points decreasing down to the lowest.
If you have noticed, most offers that are completed offers very low amounts of point, so you’ll usually never get high amounts of points. This is because when an offer has high completion other people who see it would do the same, and it will just keep getting higher and higher, until it stops offering. And small rewarded points are more likely to be give compared to large amounts.
Anyways…this is why we do it this way. You start from a list of high rewareds and then go down. You might not get credited as much (and with the Rewards1 Tools you won’t waste much time doing it either), but when you do get credited, you get a high amount of points.
This method is highly recommended for users (like me) who do large amount of offers to get a certain amount of points, and then stop using Rewards1 altogether until they need it again. And when that time happens you can simply redo the list as most likely those offers that you have tried to do would be gone by the time you come back.

Newest Date

So from this option to Date and then from Newest to Oldest. What this accomplishes is that you get the newest offers to Rewards1 to the oldest ones.
The newest offers strategy when compared to the other 2 is a wild bag. You might get large point offers or you might get smaller ones, but the only thing you know for sure is that your chance for being credited is higher.
The reason for this is, because new offers won’t have the time to be in the most credited list, as they’re new and still need time to gather up people who have finished it, and some might show up in the highest points, but you generally won’t know which one is which. But since these offers are new, the chances of being rewarded is much higher than an old one.
This strategy is highly recommended for people who visit Rewards1 everyday and do a little bit. Rewards1 updates their list of offers almost every day with new offers, so you always have more high rewarded chances to earn yourself points.


So now you have the strategies you can now move on to actually completing the offers. However one note, don’t be afraid to mix the strategies. For example: I usually never do any offers that give less than 0.5 points, so I scan through the list of new offers looking for offers that gives more 0.5 or more points. This way my chances of getting the large amount of points are higher.

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