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Rewards1 Tips and Tricks

So now that you know how to do offers and hopefully got yourself a couple of points by now. If not, you should seriously start! Go register at Rewards1 now!
Anyways you have went through everything my Rewards1 Guide has to offer you. So in this final lesson to my Rewards1 Guide, I’ll tell you some tips that I use to speed things along.

Use Tabs – First of all  – you should know about using tabs, but do you know if you click the middle mouse (the scroll) on a link you’ll automatically open a tab? Well use it to open large amounts of link fast and easily!

Make new e-mail addresses – New email addresses are always better then old ones. That’s just the way the companies are, so if you’re going to do surveys every day, always make a new email account in the morning. You can easily do this by using roboform!

Change Identities – Go to Fake Name Generator and get yourself a new identity at least once every week. I don’t know if this is important or not, but a new person, like a new email might give you better results.

Keep a Yahoo email tab open – This is important just keeping a yahoo tab allows you to have quick access to the confirmation you might receive, thus giving you more points.

Rewards1 Forum – That place has a whole bunch of encouraging people that can show you the exact steps they have done to get an offer to credit. By the way it’s the OFFICIAL Rewards1 Forum.

A little bit at a time – You can easily go crazy if you tried to do a whole bunch of surveys at once, and then get even more frustrated when you don’t get the points you deserve. Well CALM DOWN. You might never even get the points, or the points might be rewarded to you later. I wouldn’t stress out and just do at least a full page per day. You’re bound to get at least 1 point or 2. Do this for a week and you have 14 points!

No Mouse Actions

Seriously, it’s annoying, I know, not being able to get all the points you deserve to get, but at least you’re not like the other people who had to manually do everything just to find out that they won’t get it later. However there might be times when you have to manually say no to the offers and then press submit. Well here’s how to speed the process up. Press TAB and then an arrow, which will automatically move the choices. Press TAB again and repeat, this is way faster than clicking on yes or no with your mouse.


The biggest problem with Rewards1 is that there are so many offers, and you just want to do them all at one time. Well you have to be patient and just accept the fact that you can’t get everything. You have to accept that realistically you won’t get credited for a lot of offers.
Don’t listen to people that claim they can always give you credit, because that’s simply not true, it’s impossible (unless you’re super picky on offers, or just loved by the Rewards1 Gods).
So good luck to you! And register for Rewards1 if you haven’t yet

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