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Best spot to practice graffiti?

Would you like to find a good spot to practice graffiti, like some sort of abandoned building, but  don't know of where to find an area?

Pick a direction and start walking. Just keep going until you find what you're looking for. You'll eventually get out of the city, or at least the heavily populated areas and start seeing walls nobody really gives a fuck about. These are perfect for practice. If you find an abandoned building/factory, you hit the jackpot. You do one or two walls, then go home, rinse and repeat. You can start from the lower floor levels and advance to the higher, seeing a massive progress of skill while going up floors, which eventually will inspire you to go even higher.
also, if you can find an alley, back of a convenience store or suchlike, use that, but remember to check any nearby parked cars for people...and check for cameras, telephone poles, walls, eaves, you name it. Have fun and keep safe.

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